1950 Oldsmobile 98 Fastback in NYC

This image shows a 1950 Oldsmobile 98 fastback, parked in NYC. 1950 was the last year fastbacks were available by Olds. A 4dr version of a fastback sedan from this year is in this post.

1950 Oldsmobile 98 Fastback
1950 Oldsmobile 98 Fastback

Investigating the probable location: I read the street sign "146th" street as a first clue. I checked a few possible junctions. 'Broadway' my first guess- bingo! On a Google maps address of this junction one can easily spot the big arced windows.

Sadly, all the shops and the cinema are gone now, only the stylish windows survived! Side note: Disney's "Water Birds" (release 1952) was a short movie that won an Oscar for "Best Live Action Short Film" in 1953. "House of Wax" a horror movie from 1953.

Conclusion: Highly likely this photo was taken 1953.