1946 Oldsmobile at Travel Stop

A 1946 Oldsmobile at travel stop on this vintage photo.

The black and white image has the following text on the back:
"This was taken
on our return trip
from Hot Springs
when we stopped
at It.C"

The 1946 Oldsmobile may have been at a travel stop in Hot Springs AK, but I am not sure what
'It.C' stands for? We can see their car, probably a 1946 Olds and a Chevrolet from a similar year on the lift behind, being worked on.
The people may have been grandmother and her grand children. A further guess is not difficult: The photographer may have been the mother of the children, or the grandfather...
The people could have been in a contemporary Coke ad: 'Delicious and Refreshing!'. Each of them shows a bottle to the camera...

1946 Oldsmobile, Chevrolet
1946 Oldsmobile, Chevrolet

I did some research. It makes me think, 'It.C' may stand for 'Trailer City'. Can that be? There was indeed such a place near Hot Springs. I found a post card online, showing it:
They could have bought that beverages there, and the Chevrolet may have been on the lift at that Gas Station.

Trailer City AK
Trailer City AK